Thursday, July 1, 2010

4 lbs of Meat and A Heineken

You might not know this but aside from having attained the highest rank in cheesecake mastery, I am also an ambitious scholar of meat mastery and beermanship. This last weekend, on Midsummer's Eve, I decided it was time to introduce Marjan, an eager Leangains apprentice, to these fine arts. I told him it was time to do 4-lbs-of-meat-and-a-Heineken.

This is one of numerous secrets of my method, previously only revealed to my insiders circle of clients.

Unfortunately our grill was to small to accomodate 4 lbs of meat, so we had to fill up the quota with grilled chicken wings and breasts from the deli.

2 lbs of pork tenderloin. The secret to grilling pork tenderloin is to not cut it up until the very end. That way the juices stay in the meat, which makes it nice and tasty.

The meat ended up just perfect. Very succulent. Goes to show how far you can go with a $3-grill if you have superior skills.

Good stuff. I should note that my personal record is 2.1 kg meat, almost 5 lbs, in one sitting. 4-lbs-of-meat-and-a-Heineken is truly a beginner's course. Much greater challenges lies ahead for young Marjan.

By the way, we made a kick ass sauce. It's on the upper left corner of the table. Just mix cottage cheese and ketchup and there you have it. Goes very well with grilled meat.

Final score

Marjan: 1.5 lbs meat, x bottles of Heineken and half a bottle of wine.

Martin: 2.5 lbs meat, x bottles of Heineken and half a bottle of wine.

As you can see I am the clear winner here. However, one must be patient with the young. Progressive overloading is the key. We ate a bunch of other stuff after this. It's funny how you can be full from a meal...and then, when presented with other food choices, suddenly your appetite comes back with a vengeance.

My name is Martin Berkhan and I work as a nutritional consultant, magazine writer and personal trainer.

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